
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Painted - Inspired

Good evening everyone!  Something so great happened today that I must share tho it is a bit premature.

My mother-in-law, Nan, has a friend who is selling a lot of her things and moving to another state.  We are sorry to see her go but we understand.  Nan, Chris and I went to her lovely house to see what she wanted to get rid of.   There is an end table, small desk, barristers bookcase and a really lovely dresser with a mirror.  Everything is wonderful.

Now it happens that "European Paint Finishes" did the exact same dresser in the most wonderful technique.  We are going to do something similar and pray that it turns out half as well as theirs.  I will post a pic of their dresser to let you know what I mean. 

Isn't it beautiful?  They have so inspired us.  Wow!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Painted - New Things

How are you all?  The New England Patriots did not win today so my spirits have sunk BUT it is only a game and they are getting paid millions of dollars even if they do lose.

With all the skill I can muster I will post the before and after pictures of two completed pieces. 

it is upside down, but you get the idea, right?

 just turn your head a little to the right...
that's better ....

This a heavy, "mid-century", maple, drop leaf table.  The top has been refinished with ebony stain and wax.  The pedestal has been painted in Old White chalk paint.  (We have to use up the chalk paint we have before we make our own.)

I must make a comment before showing the other pics.  I dislike the term "mid century" because it makes the assumption that everyone knows to which century it refers.  Whoever coined this phrase was being presumptious.  This is not a big thing but now you can imagine me gagging everytime I have to use the term.

please turn your head to the right....

I do apologize for the positioning of the pics.  I do not know how to rotate.

This side table is probably from the 80's and was given to us by a neighbor of my friend, Debbie.  Debbie has nice neighbors.

The piece was finished in old white chalk paint and poly.  Chris decided not to use wax because he wanted the finish to shine as much as the mirror top.

Tomorrow is trash day around here.  Before it gets too dark I am going to drive around to see if anyone has thrown out anything good.  Hey, at least I am not dumpster diving.....


Friday, September 23, 2011

Painted - $4 Update

I am back!  In reading the comments about the chalk paint recipe on "nominimalisthere" I found the one below from an Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Distributor.  It is a bit biased but seems to give reliable information about the chemistry of the mix.  But, what do I know?  What is that saying, "forwarned is forearmed"?

"Let me declare straight off the bat that I have an interest in ASCP as the Scottish distributor, but alongside that I am a trained house painter and decorative painter of 25 years experience and have a lot of knowledge of making traditional paints and materials and I teach some of this in my classes in both Scotland and in the USA (am currently in SF teaching a class).

I genuinely applaud anyone who thinks out of the box, learns a little about paint technology and uses low cost materials and paints to create new and exciting finishes and this is in many instances totally possible with inexpensive materials like whiting which we use all the time. Whiting is in fact already in most house paints and adding more does change the look to be like chalk paint. However just adding more whiting to latex will not negate the need for preparation and priming. It will "stick" to the surface but no lasting bond can be made and you certainly can't paint over wax and hope for it to last in the way that ASCP can - actually ASCP is the ONLY paint I have found worldwide that will go over wax successfully. I'm not saying you can't make it look the same...just you do still need to do the prep.
Likewise in the 70's I used to make a lot of wood-wash using Plaster of Paris which incidentally burnishes beautifully however once again this will not form a bond to pre-finished surfaces without primer etc.
Adding anything to paint will probably compromise its integrity as a surface coating so it will definitely need sealed.
I am not saying not to use it, just to be aware of the limitations of what you are creating."

Incidentally Annie's paint range ...all the colours intermix so you can create a lot more than just the colour chart.

Use this info as you see fit. 

Painted - $4

'Tis the wee hours of the morning and I cannot sleep and thought that writing this post now would serve to pass the time and save some time later.  I came across a blog named "No Minimalist Here" which is probably well known to some of you but is new to me.  The info she had was wonderful for Chris and I.  She has come up with the "recipe" for chalk paint and it only costs about $4!!     The type of chalk paint we use is $38/qt.   Quite a substantial cost savings especially since we do resale.

This "recipe" involves mixing either Calcium Carbonate or whiting powder to latex paint.  Besides saving on cost it opens up the realm of color choice to the moon!  The paint we use now is limited in color choices and does not always hit the mark.  I am thrilled.  is the link to her site.  Below is a pic of a vanity she did with the formula.  Aside from the piece being gorgeous, the whole effect is grand.

Is that not beautiful?

I am going to go hit the pillow now.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Painted Ingenious 2

I forgot!   About a week ago I posted a blog "Painted Ingenious" of a 2-drawer file cabinet refurbed to a kitchen roll around table.  A wonderful idea!  Chris and I spoke of doing something along these lines and I just happened to find a cabinet at Habitat for $4.

We have a 100 yr old armoire that we are going to break down to use for the top and other pieces as well.  The armoire is in our storage place and we will be getting it tomorrow.  If it isn't too hot tomorrow we will start to break it down.

Stay tuned...

Painted Swedish 3

Hello again!   I am here to give you a very brief history lesson of Gustavian Furniture.  It seems that this furniture is the Swedish interpretation of French, Italian and English designs in the 17th and 18th centuries.  King Gustav reigned during that time and thus the title.  This design is said to be a cleaner, more refined interpretation of the Louis XV and Louis XVI (of which you are all familiar, right?).  The design maintains a "humbler yet still royal character".

Ok - enough of the formal stuff.  I did come across a company in Connecticut that makes this style furniture and had a color chart of the various finishes associated with the period.
For some unknown reason I cannot download that page to here.  It can be found at 

Take a look at the samples and let me know which you like best and why.  For those of you not familiar with commenting on a blog please look at the end of each post where it states "0 COMMENTS"  Click there and the comment page appears.

I hope to hear from you.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Painted Swedish 2

I have come back to post pics of pieces of Swedish design furniture that have caught my eye.   These are Gustavian reproductions of the 19th century.  So there is the background research and history lesson.  That's all I know.   I will be researching further to get colors and techniques used in the 19th century and come back with the info. 

For now I will present the pics and ask for your opinions.  Any and all comments are appreciated. 

The pic below is not of Reproduction Gustavian 19th century furniture.  This pic presents modern design.  I threw it in for contrast.

What do you think?   Would it be good to interpret these into a refurb of vintage pieces? 

Chris and I are going out for an early supper.  I will bring the pics for review.  Retired married couples need something to talk about at a meal and this will be just right.

Later.  Jeanne

Painted - Swedish

The websites and blogs that I have come across lately are about Swedish design and style.  Because of Google translate I actually know what is written.  I am inspired by the clean, fresh, simple statements the rooms make both in decorative accenting and furnishing.  Today Chris is painting the ceiling in our kitchen.  Even though I would be able to speak with him about this style, he wouldn't really look at the pics.  This will have to wait until tonight or tomorrow.  We have a dining room set that is waiting to be refurbed and refinished.  I would like to do it in this style and start searching for just the right fabric for the chair seats.  We haven't yet sat down to discuss this project since we rec'd the pieces so I don't know what he is thinking - or, if he did tell me I have forgotten (most likely this is the case). 

I will post some pics with the swedish style later today.

Later.  Jeanne

Monday, September 12, 2011

Painted - Ingenious

Hello All!   I follow a site that is Curbly.  Today they have a tutorial that is absolutely fantastic.  It is easy to do and a great addition to a kitchen or even craft space. 

Isn't it great!  It could be adapted for so many uses.
You can find the tutorial at curbly

Let me know if you liked it.   Take care.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Painted - Remembering

Our thoughts and prayers are for anyone out there who suffered the loss of a loved one on 9/11/01. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Painted - Enchanting

I am never going to figure out this blog.   These were supposed to appear at the end of the post.  Please, have patience.

Along the way I have mentioned that we sell our furniture through a few stores.  It is now time to show you another store that has our furniture.  The name of the store is Better Than New Furniture and the name says it all.  When I walk into the store I want to redecorate my whole house with a different style in each room.  Jenni and Ed are the owners and could not be more congenial, informative and helpful if they tried.  They stay on top of current trends and handle only quality pieces.  The store is located in Longwood, Florida.  Their website is

Here are a couple of pics of their place.  Chris took them.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Painted White Part 4

Finally!! I am disappointed with my pics but since the piece of furniture has gone to the shop I can't fix them.

To recap - the piece was painted old white chalk paint - allowed to dry - a layer of gray chalk paint was applied with a dry brush technique.  Dry brushing is applying a small amount of paint to the brush and then brushing that off on a paper towel - very little paint on the brush.  After the dry brushing was completed the piece was distressed - sanding down in different areas to make the piece have a warm, used look.  Then the Annie Sloan wax was applied.  The clear wax was used and not a heavy layer. 

That should be it but it isn't.  About two weeks ago I read the blog of a woman whose name I cannot remember but when I do I will credit her for the info on 1005 Design Aluminum Designer Backsplash Panels.  This company is about to launch their product and it seems to me to be fantastic.  Chris said he wanted to use it in our kitchen and he does not volunteer to do things like that very often so you know he likes it.  I called the company to get info on where I could purchase the panels.  I spoke to Jana Moses who told me that it was not yet available in stores.  I was so disappointed because I really wanted to try it out on this piece.  Jana, the sweetheart, offered to send me a piece to try.  It arrived and wow!  Thank you, Jana.

There are several designs shown on their website that are gorgeous.  I have a close up of the panel we received.

I wish it was brighter but the panel is on the inside of the table - to give it some updated bling.   Chris installed this and he said he had no trouble cutting and adhering (using construction adhesive).  The next pic shows the whole piece with a bit of the panel inlaid in the door.  I love it! 

We can't wait to use it again on a bigger piece of furniture (and do the kitchen).  Jana at 1005 Design will be so tired of my asking when it is hitting the stores.      Click here to link to their  website. 
This product will have many more uses than just backsplash and I can't wait to get my hands on it.  BTW - I am not being paid to say any of this - I really mean it.

I hope you like the finished product after all this time.  I think it was worth waiting for.       Be well. 

P.S.  I just took a good look at the pics again and they stink.  They looked o.k. to me when I took them but I did have my eye patch on.  From now on Chris will take the pics.   Sorry.

Painted White Part 3

I am so willing to admit that my brain is not functioning at its usual capacity because of both age and illness BUT I hate when I am just totally STUPID!!My intentions for today were to take the final pic of the Painted White table with the amazing flourish we did to it and then post to the blog.  I took the pics and then gave Chris the camera as he was leaving.  Did I download the pics? Of course not.  Stupid, stupid, stupid.   What I think I can do is show you the pic of the table without the flourish as a continuation of the process.

When I last posted on this piece it had been painted with AS Chalk Paint = Old White.  It has since been given a layer of gray and distressed.

Is that not gorgeous?   The paint technique - including the use of chalk paint and wax - gives the piece new life.  Wait till you see it with the flourish!!
I'll be back when Chris gets home.    Later...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Painted - Free Part 2

O.K. - this time we did not drive aimlessly lost for 2 hours to find this house.  It was a beautiful ride because it is the portion of the state that is horse country.  There are rolling hills, stately fences and gorgeous homes.  It seems as if the stables are as luxurious as the homes.  We found the house on a dirt road in the woods about 5 miles from the main road.    The woman was pleasant and informative.  We were gobsmacked because this woman could not have been more poor and live in a more rundown house than this.  She was, though, giving away a piece of furniture.  It is part of the freecycle thingy so no money exchanges hands. 
I certainly hope it all comes around.

We did have lunch and then home.  Before I had a chance to take a pic, Chris had the table dismantled.  It seats four when the sides are up and is a pedestal style.  We intend to stain the top dark and the base a light paint color.  Hope it comes out the way we imagine.

Here are a couple of before pics although the table is apart.

Stay tuned for further developments.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Painted - Free

Happy Labor Day!  We are getting ready to leave (Jasper has to pee - the dog) to pick up a FREE piece of furniture!  There is a web thingy that is called freecycle where people list what they have to give away and what they may want.  It is extraordinary what some people ask for!  So we are picking up a table and then will probably have lunch.  I will post a pic later.

Enjoy the day!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Painted Turquoise

Chris has just finished an adorable dresser.  As you see, it is white with turquoise in the center of the drawers.  He spray painted this piece for better overall coverage.  The hardware is very dainty and charming.  He used a nickel spray paint for that.  This piece gives quite a kick of color and could be used most anywhere.  We hope you like.