Sometimes there is a little story that goes along with my finding a piece. In the summer I wrote of a house that had many, many puppies, goats walking through and a horse in the side yard. This new story is not as sweet as the animal house story. Actually, not sweet at all. The picture below is of a cabinet with two doors on the top and two drawers on the bottom. It is painted two tone green. Not a bad looking piece at all. I saw it on trash day in my community on the curb with trash bags around it. I turned around, parked in front of it and determined it would fit in the back of my car. I have a PT Cruiser - the back seats fold down for extra space. Despite the fact that I look strong as bull, I am not. I have arthritis all over the place which reduces the strength. So, I wiggled it over to the back of the car and thought that I could lift it from the bottom and just slide it in. No, no, no. It had to make it over the hump created by the back of the seats and I couldn't get enough leverage to do it. I went into the back of the car from the side door and tried to pull it from there. I broke two nails, said nasty words under my breath and finally got it over the hump. Back to the outside of the car to push it in. No, no, no!! A nail on the back of the piece was sticking out and got caught on a loop in the carpet. More nasty words under my breath and the biggest heave ho I could manage and in it went.
Now, this all took some time. Only one car drove by so I thought
I was relatively free from humiliation. No, no, no!!!! I was just about to drive away when a man opened the door of the house I was taking from and gave me a big smile and wave!!! He was probably watching the whole time and never offered to help. Jerk!!
When I arrived home I asked Chris to take it out of the car but did not tell him my story. He did it, came in the house and told me it was "trash". Nasty words NOT under my breath!! End of story - we will be restoring this piece.
Not bad looking, right?
We have decided to sell our furniture at the Renningers Antique Extravaganza in January and February. People come from all over the country for this shopping experience. It is about 30 miles from us. There is an indoor flea market, an indoor antique market, little outside antique shops and a place outdoors for vendors such as us. It takes two days to go through this sale. It is unbelievable! I will post pics of what we will be selling as they are completed. I cannot wait!